1/4-Inch 37-Degree Large Black Hooded Peep Sight by Speciality Archery
Speciality Archery, LLC
1/4-Inch 37-Degree Large Black Hooded Peep Sight
The 1/4 in Large Hooded Peep 37° helps reduce glare on clarifier and verifier lenses. It accepts all current " verifiers, clarifiers, and apertures. The " Large Hooded Peep accepts all 1/8 in apertures, verifiers, and clarifiers with use of the Peep Reducer (part 753-3). The peep comes with a Peep Reducer (Part No. 753-3) and a Dual Aperture Wrench (Part No. 210078) included. The 1/4 in peep is the most popular Specialty Archery peep for hunting.